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OCTOBER 18, 2025 12-7pm
Check out Old Milford Porchfest 2024!

Musicians will play on the porches, front yards, back yards, and patios of homes and businesses within about a one mile radius of downtown Milford. A map with porches and performers will be available, and attendees are encouraged to walk or bike around the city. Bring picnic blankets and lawn chairs and make yourself comfortable.
We encourage you to patron the many local restaurants and bars in Milford. Portions of the event will be within the Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA). See map for details.
Feel free to bring or purchase non-alcoholic refreshments to enjoy at porches outside the DORA district.
There is no official event parking given the nature of this community event. Since the event is based within roughly one mile radius from downtown, we recommend walking or biking between porches. There are a few public lots around downtown as well as street parking throughout the event area. Please follow local parking & transportation rules.
Tipping musicians is encouraged! Each venue will have a tip jar set up and any tips received during each performance will go directly to those musicians. No cash? No problem! You can also tip artists online. Sponsorship money and other donations (day-of and beforehand) will also go towards paying musicians after the event costs are covered.